The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I was accepted to a special program for my medical school education at State University of New York in Brooklyn. After the first year of medical school I return to Penn State to receive my BS degree. After receiving my M.D. degree in Brooklyn, I went to University of Washington Hospital in Seattle to complete a one year general surgery internship. I then returned back to Brooklyn to begin my general surgery residency. I then returned to the West Coast (30 miles east of San Francisco) to finish my residency. While at Penn State I obtained my general pilot's license, and then received my instrument pilot's license in California. In July of 1976 I opened up a private medical practice in general surgery, purchased a home, obtained a general contractor's license allowing me to design & build a 1200 sq. ft. guest home. In the 80's I began to do charitable work to raise money for AIDS. For four years I ran very successful Casino Nights at my home. In January of 1992 over I suffered a stroke which resulted in severe aphasia. It took approximately one year to get me to a point where I could continue doing surgery, but only as an assistant to other surgeons. I had to close my office at that time and never did reopen it, but I continue assisting in surgery as of today. I, and my lover, Tim, will celebrate 20 years together. We've had two fantastic Boxers and love travel.